You should always have adequate auto insurance. It’s smart and safe. But it can get expensive. However, there are ways to save on your premium without compromising your coverage. Here’s how.

Shop Around

Insurance rates differ from company to company. So around the time that your insurance is up for renewal, shop around for competitive rates. Remember to get three quotes from different types of insurance companies.

Compare Before Buying

Insurance premiums are partly based on the car. So, check how much the car costs to insure before you buy it. You can also get discounts for vehicles known to be safe or those with anti-theft devices.

Raise the Deductible

Choose a higher deductible, and you can lower your premium costs by almost 40%. Ensure that you have enough money set aside to pay that deductible in case of a claim.

Reduce Optionals

If your car is worth less than ten times the insurance premium, cancel your collision and comprehensive coverage. It’ll be cheaper for you to get rid of the car than to have your insurance repair it.


Insurers often give discounts to those that purchase two or more types of insurance from them like home and auto or insure multiple vehicles with them. You may also get a loyalty discount for sticking with the same coverage provider.

Maintain Good Credit

A solid credit history is always helpful. It can also help lower your insurance premiums because insurance companies believe you’re more responsible and, therefore, will file fewer claims.

Get Low Mileage Discounts

If you drive fewer than the average number of miles per year, then you should ask your insurance agent or company for a low mileage discount. It may also apply if you carpool often.

Group Insurance

If you get a group plan from your employer, you may be eligible for a discount on your premium. Check with your professional, business, and alumni groups as well.

Ask for Discounts

Companies also offer discounts to drivers without accident history or moving violations over a specific period, those who’ve taken defensive driving, good students, and more. Ask about these.

Remember, check your final costs. Sometimes, you can get a better deal even without discounts.